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corolla kiteboardng


What is Kiteboarding?

Kiteboarding is an exciting Watersport where the rider flies the kite and is propelled across the water on a kiteboarding using the power of the wind. 

Do I Have to be strong to kiteboard?

Not at all. There is very little upper body strength needed to kiteboard because the rider is attached to the kite by a harness. 

Where are the lessons held?

We teach our lessons alongside the Currituck Sound. The sound is shallow in most places which makes it one of the best places to learn!

What does a lesson consist of?

All of our lessons are three hours long. One hour of on-land training. The on-land training familiarizes the student with the equipment, safety procedures and flying a trainer kite. After the on-land section of the lesson is completed, the instructor and students head out to the water lesson portion of the class.

If I want to chose the less expensive Group Lesson rate, do I have to bring my own group?

You can do either. If you have a group, bring them. If not, you can be put into a group with other people. 

Will I be able to kiteboard after one lesson?

It all depends on the way the student can process interactions and apply them to the kite. Some students get it right away, some students take more than one lesson to be able to get up and ride. 

Can I take the lesson and then rent the equipment?

No, kiteboarding is an intricate sport when you are first learning. You will need to have extensive knowledge of the wind, wind direction, wind quality and wind speed.

Do we rent equipment?

Yes, we are able to rent equipment to experienced riders that are able to ride upwind.

What kind of kiteboarding equipment do we use?

All of our gear is by Slingshot.

Do we do tours/or take experienced riders out to ride?

Yes, we do tours, and we can also do a safety follow for riders who just need a ride back.

Where are the water lessons given?

We teach all students in the shallow sandy part of the Currituck Sound. 

What wind speed and direction can we teach?

Since the Outer Banks is so narrow, it allows us to teach in any direction. The best, most consistent wind direction is SW, W and S. The wind can also sweep over the land while blowing NE, E or a SE direction with strong enough wind speed. The minimum wind speed needed is about 12 mph and maximum 25 mph. The optimum speed for lessons is 15-22 mph. 

Where can I view the current wind speed and direction?

The closest accurate wind meter is at the Duck Research Station.

Can my friends and family come watch the lesson?

Not really, our lessons take place a good distance away from any vantage point.

How do I book a lesson?

The best way to book a lesson is to just give us a call. We will discuss   everything you need to knowing schedule the best day for lessons. 

What happens if I book and the wind doesn't allow kiteboarding?

We only charge you after the lesson, so if you book it and have to cancel or there is too little or no wind, you will not be charged.

What if I have to cancel my lesson?

If you have to cancel, just give us a call and we can reschedule if possible.


Is there an age requirement?

No, but the students should be at least 100 lbs.

Corolla Kiteboarding Lessons LLC

Lesson Locations are in Corolla & Duck

Please call to schedule a lesson

Corolla, NC 27927

(252) 202-1227 Call or Text


© 2020 Corolla Kiteboarding

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